What Can I Expect

Going to the Chiropractor is a new experience for many of us. Maybe we've heard through a friend or h ave done some research online. Maybe we've made the decision to be more active in obtaining optimum health and wellness. It's possible that you are just fed up with living in pain and it's time to do something about it. In either case, your first visit to the chiropractor will really be about getting to know the chiropractor and discussing your history, current condition and goals.

As with any doctor's visit, you'll start by finishing some new patient paperwork. After being greeted by our friendly front desk staff, you will then be asked to fill out our required forms which will help us gain some information about yourself and your health.


Upon meeting with the doctor, you'll discuss your concerns and expectations as well as have the chance to ask any questions you may have. It is at this time that the doctor will decide if you are a candidate for Chiropractic care or if you should be referred to another health care professional.


If it is determined that Chiropractic can help you, we will perform a physical examination which will include testing your central nervous system by using the Insight Millenium Subluxation Station, a state of the art technology developed specifically for chiropractic evaluation to determine areas of nerve disturbance.

Muscle Tone and Balance: Your Posture and Movement

The Surface EMG exam evaluates the function of the muscles that support and move your spine. These muscles are controlled by the nerves running within it. This test measures how much energy is needed to maintain your posture and how it is distributed throughout the muscles. If too much energy is used when a spine is out of balance, this test score will be lower than normal. Over time, daily stress can continue to overwork these muscles, causing them to lose their support and mobility. This will also lower the score. Muscle fatigue and poor energy distribution are signs of a person's entire health being under stress. By precisely measuring muscle activity, your progress can be followed as your spine releases tension and you regain more control.

Organ and Gland Control: How Your Body Is Being Regulated

The Thermal Scan is used to assess the part of your nervous system that helps to control your organs, glands, and blood vessels. The autonomic nervous system works alongside the spinal nerves to regulate your immunity while managing your internal organ functions. The instrument does this by precisely measuring differences in temperature along the spine.Temperature is an accurate indicator as to where stress is building up and how deeply it affects bodily functions. Each organ system relies on clear and balanced nerve signals to work efficiently. Nerve interference that is detected by this sensor is valuable in understanding and pla nning health and wellness strategies.

Foot scanning is also performed to check for any discrepancies in the feet and if there is any connection between the feet and what is going on throughout the body with regards to posture and complaints in the spine. The foot has three arches which support every step we make. When any one of those arches begins to give out and become overstretched the outcome is pain! Pain is not only felt in the foot, but the pain can linger up our body into our legs, hips and lower back. We also have the ability to fit our patients with custom orthotics!

The doctor will gain valuable information regarding your level of health so that a better understanding of how chiropractic can help you. If necessary, the doctor may refer you out for x-rays and/or additional testing procedures.

Report Of Findings

Once all exams and testing procedures are complete, we will compile all of the information in order to determine the appropriate care plan. Together, we'll come up with a plan of action which will begin when you are completely satisfied and ready to move forward.

Moving Forward

Your health is your most valuable possession and an important investment. Investing now to prevent more expensive problems later would seem to be the most practical approach to preserving your health. Most insurance programs will contribute for part of your care, however if your insurance is limited or if you do not have insurance we have programs that make chiropractic care affordable for just about anyone. To find out if your insurance covers chiropractic care, you can call the office directly at 207.222.2118 or stop in to fill out the insurance form. This is a free service for anyone interested in Chiropractic care.

Five One Eight. "question mark." Photo. Five One Eight. 23 Oct 2008. 2 Sept 2011 <http://ansam518.wordpress.com/2011/04/04/question-2/>

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